St Bridget, St Brides Major

St Bridget, St Brides Major
Record Type:
Parish Church
Church code:

Statutory Designation Information

Listed Building?
This is a Grade II* Listed Building
Scheduled Monument?
There is no Scheduled Monument within the curtilage or precinct

National Park

The church is not in a National Park

Conservation Area

The church is not in a Conservation Area

Buildings At Risk Status

On Buildings At Risk Register?
This church is not on the Buildings at Risk Register

Approximate Date

Approximate Date:

Exterior Image

St Bridget's Church, St Brides Major
St Bridget's Church, St Brides Major
Exterior from north east
Year / Date:
Philip Morris
Philip Morris

Summary Description

The Norman origins of St Bridget’s Church are seen in the round-headed chancel arch. The church was rebuilt in the 14th century and heavily restored in 1851. Of particular interest are the monuments in the chancel to the Butler and Wyndham families. A 13th century incised slab shows Sir John le Botiler in full armour; a 16th century tomb-chest of John and Jane Butler has the couple lying recumbent, he in armour, with their children as ‘weepers’ shown on the side. References: John Newman The Buildings of Wales: Glamorgan Cadw list description:

Visiting and Facilities

The church is open for worship.
The Church is open for visitors each day from 9.30a.m. to 5.30p.m. Car parking is available in the large car park on the main road opposite the Fox and Hounds pub, with a short walk up a steep hill to the church. The church is entered through the north porch door, which has a couple of steps; wheel-chair access through the West Door by arrangement.

Church Website

Church Website:

Sources and Further Information

View information on worship and access at this church on the Church In Wales web site
RCAHMW (2004) Coflein [Digital Archive/Document]
Philip Morris (2006) St Bridget's Church, St Brides Major [Digital Archive/Graphic material]
St Bridget's Church, St Brides Major
Vale of Glamorgan CBC (2007) Vale of Glamorgan County Treasures [Digital Archive/Document]
Inventory of scheduled monuments, listed buildings, listed parks and gardens and buildings in each ward of Vale of Glamorgan County Borough
John Newman (1995) The Buildings of Wales: Glamorgan [Bibliography/Document]
Tony Clark (amended by Philip Morris) (1995) St Bridget's Church Plan [Digital Archive/Graphic material]
St Bridget's Church Plan
Philip Morris (2006) St Bridget's Church Nave [Digital Archive/Graphic material]
St Bridget's Church Nave
Philip Morris (2006) St Bridget's Church, St Brides Major [Digital Archive/Graphic material]
St Bridget's Church, St Brides Major