Use the map and search tools below to find information on all of our Churches. From the map or list you can open full details about each Church.
The Church Name box can be used to search by dedication, location (eg. town, village, city) or church code. A drop-down list of up to 30 matches will display after you have entered 3 or more characters. For example, if you are searching for St John the Evangelist Brecon (ie. the Cathedral Church of the Diocese of Swansea & Brecon) the following are all legitimate search words: john, brecon, 6036. If you do not see the church you are looking for, try entering more characters or use the map search if you know its location.
Enter a Church Code to find the record for a specific church. As you start typing you will be shown a drop-down list of up to 30 matches.
Enter all or part of the church name/dedication.
Use the drop-down menu to find churches in a particular diocese.
It is often extremely difficut to determine a precise date of construction for a church as many have been extensively altered over time. Church Heritage Cymru therefore shows a date range within which a church is believed to have been constructed. The dates are as follows: Early Medieval (pre 1066), Medieval (post 1066 to 1540), Post Medieval (1540 to 1837), Victorian/Pre WWI (1837 to 1914) and Modern (post 1914).
Tick one or more boxes to find churches by their Listed Building grade. The majority of buildings which are of special interest are Grade II. A much smaller number of particularly important buildings are listed as Grade II*. Buildings of exceptional interest (approx 2% of the total number of listed buildings) are Grade I.
The Map Search box can be used to find a church in a specific location by entering a placename, postcode or OS grid reference. A drop-down list of up to 30 matches will display after you have entered the first 4 characters of a placename or postcode. If you are searching by OS grid reference you will need a minimum of 2 letters and 6 figures eg. SM983015 for an approximate location.