St Katharine and St Peter, Milford Haven

St Katharine and St Peter, Milford Haven
Record Type:
Parish Church
Church code:
St Davids
St Davids

Statutory Designation Information

Listed Building?
This is a Grade II* Listed Building
Scheduled Monument?
There is no Scheduled Monument within the curtilage or precinct

National Park

The church is not in a National Park

Conservation Area

The church is in a Conservation Area

Buildings At Risk Status

On Buildings At Risk Register?
This church is not on the Buildings at Risk Register

Approximate Date

Approximate Date:
Post Medieval

Exterior Image

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Summary Description

Milford Haven grew as a planned town founded in 1790 when an Act of Parliament authorised Sir William Hamilton to build ‘Quays, Docks and other erections.’ The plan was overseen by Hamilton’s nephew Charles Granville, the aim was to develop a major whaling port manned by Quaker Whalers from Nantucket, Massachusetts. The plan of the town was a grid of parallel streets but the ambitious plans for the port never materialised. The town developed as a major fishing port and then as the centre of a large number of oil refineries grouped round the Milford Haven Waterway. Reference The Welsh Encyclopaedia 2008 Buildings of Wales –Pembrokeshire 2004

Visiting and Facilities

The church is open for worship.
Work in progress - can you help?

Church Website

Church Website:
Work in progress - can you help?

Sources and Further Information

View information on worship and access at this church on the Church In Wales web site
RCAHMW (2004) Coflein [Digital Archive/Document]